
I found a postcard from Michael
Said he’s living the high life
He’s up in Branson, where they love him
Everything was working out alright

He wrote so far so good
Things have really changed
He was sad about ol’ Zeppy
Said it wouldn’t be the same
He said thanks for everything
And closed with I’ll talk to you soon

When he called the last time
Just to say hello
Little did I know it was the last time
How could I know it was the last time

How the card took me back
To when we packed up and left
He took his guitars and his memories
To start a new chapter of his life
He left all his troubles on the front porch
As he rode away in style
All his belongings went with him
He was gonna drive a while

You lay down your guitar for the last time
And sing your song for the last time
How would you know
How could you know?

Always the wandering stranger
Always the lonesome singer
Always the lost poet
Always the friend, don’t you know it.
How would you know it
How could you know it
When it’s your time to go

I found a postcard from Michael

